Pencil Cob was named this way because the cob can be as thin as a pencil. This produces long and deep kernels.
'Pencil Cob' is a very flavorful roasting ear corn variety, or when picked in its early milk stage at about 75 days, it's used for frying or creaming. Since most field corn varieties have low sugar content, try adding a little sugar when creaming. 'Pencil Cob' is also useful as wildlife and livestock feed.
Pencil Cob is a Dent corn, also known as grain corn, a type of field corn with a high soft starch content. It received its name because of the small indentation, or "dent", at the crown of each kernel on a ripe ear of corn. Reid's Yellow Dent is a variety developed by central Illinois farmer James L. Reid. Reid and his father, Robert Reid, moved from Brown County, Ohio to Tazewell County, Illinois in 1846 bringing with them a red corn variety known as "Johnny Hopkins", and crossed it with varieties of flint corn and flour corn. Most of today's hybrid corn varieties and cultivars are derived from it. This variety won a prize at the 1893 World's Fair.